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"School: a little story about life and education (part 1)" ©


Available from March 2024 in paperback and ebook on


To read a sample of my novel "School: a little story about life and education (part 1)" © please click here





Education in adolescence is an important part of a person’s life.  At this time, the teenager’s body is developing.  Apart from the physical changes, he (she) must think about becoming an adult with a good personality who can form good relationships with others.  Also, he (she) has to think about the future as developing social contacts and having a career or a profession.


Teenagers make experiences in life with the hope of succeeding.  They also make mistakes and sometimes tend to forget that their primordial goal, in this period of adolescence, should be to graduate from high school.  This means studying, doing homework, and respecting oneself as well as others.


Education takes place in school and there are many kinds of schools such as kindergarten, elementary school, high school, College, University, art school, music school, driving school, etc.


By definition, a school is an institution for teaching and learning.  However, it is more than just a building with classrooms, students, teachers, and a principal. The school is also an individual preparation for integration into society.  That’s the basis of education: to provide the student with many elements of knowledge, and in high school, to help him (her) to become an adult.


Students are educated in school but also by life’s experiences. The teachers possess this experience which enables them to transmit their knowledge.  Their wisdom also allows them to warn of certain life’s dangers but parents also have an important role in educating their children such as listening to them, giving them advice, and supporting them.


Theoretically, school unites the student with society and ultimately, he (she) becomes a productive part of it by performing his (her) learned skills.


Through the educational process, teenagers learn about human relationships, respect social laws, and choose a job.  Then they need wisdom because all the things that they want are not easy to get.  Patience, hope and faith are required.  That’s why in the educational process, learning should be the primary goal and the desire to possess material things should be secondary and should have only importance after one establishes himself (herself) in a serious career that supplies him (her) with sufficient revenues to purchase things.


Just like every other student, I have faced many difficulties and obstacles and it would have been easier if I had listened to the wisdom of a mature and more experienced individual.


Now that I am older, wiser, and more experienced, I want to tell you in a romantic style, a little story about life and education.  Hopefully, knowing that, you will find it easier to go through your life’s trials and it will help you to succeed in your education to realize that, what you are studying, is to get wisdom, knowledge, and a moral thought.  Then you become an adult.


So, just keep in mind that you have a high school diploma to aim for.  Hopefully, this book will help you now and for your future as you might go to College and University and get a job.


Therefore, keep studying and keep faith.


Alain J Leclerc




An American philosophy: a way of living (2nd ed.)

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The Real Being: human relationships


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School: a little story about life and education (part 2)


- Book cover to come...and will be available in 2025



School: a little story about life and education (part 3)


- Book cover to come...and will be available in 2026

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